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English translation for "party in breach"


Related Translations:
clear breach:  冲湿舱面浪无碍的冲刷
prison breach:  越狱
lane breaching:  通道排雷
fundamental breach:  根本违反合同根本违约根本性违约重大违约
bank breaching:  堤岸冲毁
dam breach:  垮坝
hair breach:  到有得卖漂毛膏
dyke breach:  决堤
hand breaching:  人工排雷
breach army:  破军之战
Example Sentences:
1.The party in breach shall in any case be liable to the other party for all damages caused by the breach
2.If he fails to take such measures , the party in breach may claim a reduction in the damages in the amount by which the loss should have been mitigated
3." contravention of an enforcement notice is an offence and the party in breach might be liable to a maximum fine of $ 50 , 000 and two years imprisonment , " mr . lau added
违反执行通知即属犯罪。违例者一经定罪,最高可被判处罚款50 , 000元及监禁两年。
4.The party in breach shall have thiry ( 30 ) days from receipt of a notice form the other party specifying the breach to correct such breach if it is remediable
违约方应在收到另一方指明其违约行为的通知后三十( 30 )日内,纠正其违约行为(若该违约行为是可以纠正的) 。
5.The defaulting party ' s liability for damages shall equal to the loss suffered by the other party as a consequence of the breach but not exceeding the losses foreseeable by the party in breach at the time of the conclusion of the agreement
6.Such damages may not exceed the loss which the party in breach foresaw or ought to have foreseen at the time of the conclusion of the contract , in the light of the facts and matters of which he then knew or ought to have known , as a possible consequence of the breach of contract
7.The methods restricting damages imposed on the party in breach mainly are : the rule of foreseeability , the rule of balancing out increase and decrease , the rule of contributory negligence , and the rule of mitigation of damage
8.The rule of mitigation doctrine is applied when the following are satisfied . ( 1 ) the damage is resulted from the breach of contract by the party in breach , ( 2 ) the aggrieved party does not take reasonable steps to mitigate the damage , and ( 3 ) thus makes the damage aggravated
9.The sixth part makes a try at putting measures to mitigate into groups such as suspending performance , specific performance , replacement transaction , etc . the last part explains the consequence of mitigation , that is , the portion of the aggrieved parry ' s loss which is attributable to his failure to mitigate will be unrecoverable , the aggrieved party may recover from the party in breach of contract the reasonable expenses incurred by it in mitigating the harm , additional profits obtained by the aggrieved party will not be deducted from damages , provided they are independent of its mitigation activities
10.If some enterprise shareholder does not perform his responsibility of the contract to invest in ( or provide cooperative condition ) , those who keep the contract apply to replace the shareholder or change the ownership of shareholder shall represent : certificate of the observant party urging the party in breach to pay or pay off the investment ; one copy of the notice on payment of the enterprise registered capital by the municipal industrial and commercial bureau ( checked with the original ) ; the party in breach who has partially paid the investment as the original contract said shall represent the original document of the enterprise dealing with the partial investment
企业股东不履行企业合同规定的出资(包括提供合作条件)义务,守约股东依法申请更换股东、变更股权的,提交:守约方催告违约方缴付或缴清出资的证明文件;市工商局出具的《企业注册资本催缴通知书》复印件1份(核对原件) ;违约方已经按照企业原合同规定缴付部分出资的,提交企业对违约方的部分出资进行清理的有关文件原件。
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